Reduce toxic gasses (Hydrogen sulfide) in the bottom pond

Benefits :

  • Effectively reduce toxic gas such as ammonia ( NH3 ), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in aquatic pond.
  • Effectively reduce shrimp wasted, suspension, organic waste, water viscosity and reduce ordor.
  • Effectively improve water hardness, turbidity, consequently improve Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) and improve plankton
  • Consequently prevent tail rot, defected antenna, black gill, swollen gill due to bacteria infection, control plankton blooming.
  • Improve growth rate, improve immunity and consequently high yield production with least production cost by reducing water exchange frequency and application of other  water treatment product.
  • Suitable to use in aquatic and livestock farming  also  and industrial wastewater treatment etc.
  • Save cost to change  water in the aquatic pond



Grow-out pond

Main purpose-use to reduce toxic gas, improve water quality, pond bottom condition  and control plankton blooming benthos blooming.

Pond prepare and blooming plankton :

use WELL RHODO 1.5-2.0 ppm. ( 1.5-2.0 lt./ 1,000 m ) 4-5 days before stocking.

  • Culture period:

1-2  months : use WELL RHODO 1.5-1.8 ppm. (1.5 – 1.8 lt./ 1,000 m ) each  7-10 days.

3-4  months : use WELL RHODO 2.5-3.0 ppm. ( 2.5-3.0 lt./ 1,000 m ) each 7-10 days.



􀂉 1, 5 and  20 lt./gallon