improve mineral in aquatic animal


􀂉 Prevents yellow fish flesh problem .

􀂉 Improves to form the bone in fish and providing healthy after using chemical and


􀂉 Prevents soft shell problem especially in fresh water or low salinity shrimp farming.

􀂉 Improves molting in shrimp and providing healthy after molting.

􀂉 Increases efficiency in digesting and absorbing in the gut system of shrimp and fish

with  mineral chelates (Metal Proteinates).

􀂉 Improves growth rate, benefit feed conversion ratio and growth rates, boosts immunity,

reduce the rate of infection, resulting in reducing slow growing problems and

increasing of survival rate.

􀂉 Reduces problems resulting from stress.


􀂉 fish      2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of feed.

􀂉 shrimp 3-5 grams per 1 kilogram of feed.


􀂉 450 grams  bag