Biotechnology product for water preparation

Benefits :

􀂉 Bloom natural feed ; benthos.

􀂉 Improve shrimp and fish’s growth rate and survival rate.

􀂉 Reduce shrimp feeding particular during the first month , thus help to reduce the cost

of the feed.

􀂉 Control pH of water.



􀂉 Pond preparation : 3.0 – 6.0 kilograms per 1,000 m2, spreaded over the entire pond. :

Put the PL into the pond after  using BENTHOS BLOOM for 3–5 days.

􀂉 Grow-out pond     : 0.5 – 1.0 kilograms per 1,000 m2,  spreaded over the entire pond. :

Should be used every 10 days,  between culture to bloom natural feed.


􀂉10 kilograms bag.