Viable Bacteria / Enzyme Bioaugmentation Treatment for Organic Wastes

Benefits :

  • Reduce and inhibit harmful bacteria such as Flexibacter columnaris, Streptocoecus sp.,Pseudomonas hydrophilla, Edwardsiella ictaluri , Vibrio , etc.
  • Reduce Ammonia, Nitrite, Hydrogen Sulfide and other toxic gases.
  • Digest organic waste.



􀂉 Powder :       50-100  grams per 1,000 m2 of pond (every 7 Days), base on 1-1.5 meter

water depth. spread all across the pond.

􀂉 Tablets 5 grams :      5-10 tablets per 1,000 m2 of pond (every 7 Days), base on 1-1.5

meter water depth. drop into the central area of the pond.



􀂉 500 kilograms  bag

􀂉 12 tablets per bag, 10 bag per box